Newbie content creator? Here’s an 8-step guide on how to find your audience

Whether you’ve taken on content creation as a job or you’re doing it as a hobby, you definitely need to figure out which group of people you will be creating content for: your audience.

Identifying an audience is one of the most important steps for a newbie content creator. Without a clear understanding of who your audience is, it can be difficult to create content that resonates with them. You want to be able to tap into their goals, wants and pain points to be able to craft the kind of content that can effectively impart information they need to inspire them to take action.

Here is a comprehensive guide on how to identify your audience as a newbie content creator:

Step 1: Define Your Niche

The first step is to define your niche. What is the topic or area you want to create content about? This could be anything from fitness to cooking to personal finance. Defining your niche will help you create content that is focused and relevant to your audience.

Being a multi-passionate person myself – with a lot of opinions or factual tidbits to share on a myriad of topics – I chose to streamline my content to those relating to food, travel and the urban lifestyle.

Which particular niches would you like to focus on?

Step 2: Research Your Competitors

Researching your competitors can provide valuable insights into your target audience. Look at other content creators in your niche and see who their audience is. Analyze their content and engagement metrics to understand what kind of content resonates with their audience.

In due course, you might want to evolve your view of your fellow content creators from being your competitors into being your partners and co-creators.

Some of my best work have been the product of collaborations, shared experiences or shared knowledge among fellow content creators.

Step 3: Define Your Target Demographic

Once you have a clear understanding of your niche and competitors, you can define your target demographic. This includes factors such as age, gender, location, interests, and behaviors. Understanding these demographic factors will help you create content that appeals to your audience.

Given my topics and interests, I have determined my audience demographic to be mostly urban and suburban GenX and Elder Millennial working women who are interested in food and travel and who already have their own home. I believe that I have some insights on what their concerns and interests are and can produce content that can appeal and resonate with them.

Step 4: Conduct Market Research

Conducting market research can help you gain a deeper understanding of your audience’s needs and preferences. Use online surveys or focus groups to collect data on what your audience is looking for, what challenges they face, and how you can provide value to them.

You can also join Facebook Groups related to your chosen niche (eg. foodies, travelers, homebodies, etc) and take note of the discussions and comments posted there.

Step 5: Analyze Your Social Media Analytics

If you already have a social media presence, analyzing your analytics can provide insights into your audience. Look at metrics such as engagement, reach, and demographics to understand who is interacting with your content.

Step 6: Engage with Your Audience

Engaging with your audience can provide valuable feedback on your content and help you build relationships with your followers. Respond to comments, ask for feedback, and encourage discussion to better understand your audience’s needs.

Step 7: Use Keyword Research

Keyword research can help you understand what your audience is searching for and what topics are most relevant to them. Use tools such as Google Keyword Planner or Ahrefs to find relevant keywords and phrases that you can use in your content.

Step 8: Stay Flexible and Adapt

Finally, stay flexible and adapt as your audience evolves. As you create more content and engage with your audience, you may discover new trends or interests that you can incorporate into your content. Be open to feedback and adjust your strategy accordingly.

Additional Resources

Want more in-depth resources on building your audience as a content creator? Check out this books available on

Content Inc.: Start a Content-First Business, Build a Massive Audience and Become Radically Successful (with Little to No Money) by Joe Pulizzi

This book teaches how to create a content marketing strategy that builds a loyal audience and generates revenue, covering topics such as identifying your niche, creating valuable content, and promoting your brand.

How To Build An Online Audience: The step-by-step guide to getting more social media followers, bigger email lists and more traffic to your website by Patric Morgan

The book covers various strategies and tools that content creators can use to increase their visibility, attract more followers, and ultimately monetize their online presence.

Known: The Handbook for Building and Unleashing Your Personal Brand in the Digital Age by Mark Schaefer

This book focuses on building a personal brand and developing a loyal audience, with tips on creating valuable content, leveraging social media, and standing out in a crowded online world.

Identifying your audience is a crucial step for any newbie content creator. By defining your niche, researching your competitors, conducting market research, analyzing your analytics, engaging with your audience, using keyword research, and staying flexible, you can create content that resonates with your target audience and build a loyal following.

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Author: Gel Jose

Manic Pixie Dream Girl Wannabe, Imagineer, Foodie, TV Addict and Lifelong Learner

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