How freeing yourself from money worries lets you #LiveLifeBrighter

Picture a life where stress and worries take a backseat, where your daily concerns don’t revolve around making ends meet or fretting over unexpected expenses. That is what a brighter life means to me. It’s a life unburdened by financial strains, a life where you have the freedom to chase your dreams, nurture your relationships, and explore your passions without the constant shadow of money problems looming overhead.

Financial Stress and Its Impact

Let’s rewind to the past – a time when my journey (together with my husband’s) was just beginning. Fresh out of college, I found myself not only navigating the world of adulthood but also shouldering the responsibilities of parenthood. The weight of financial obligations grew as my husband and I pursued career paths that differed from our college majors. Climbing the corporate ladder was exhilarating, but it came with its share of challenges, particularly as we juggled building a family alongside our demanding careers.

The differences in how my husband and I managed money only added to the stress. Our contrasting financial styles led to disagreements and misunderstandings, increasing already existing tensions. It became clear that money was not just a tool for transactions; it was intertwined with our emotions, choices, and even our happiness.

Old Gel and Volts 2
Old Gel and Volts 3

Back then, I was constantly fretting over utility and credit card bills, wallowing in bitterness because I felt like I was being left behind by my peers who are out partying at clubs, dining at fine restaurants, or job-hopping to more glamorous or higher paying work, while I was stuck at home, learning how to be a wife and parent, or stuck at work, earning a paycheck to settle the burgeoning bills.

I won’t be surprised if there were times when Hubby didn’t like me then, given how often I nagged and complained. To tell you the truth: looking back, I wouldn’t like me either.

The Journey to Financial Independence

Fast forward to today, and our story has taken quite a different turn. Over time, we’ve come to realize that financial independence isn’t just about having a substantial bank balance; it’s about understanding how money works and aligning our goals and values. (Of course, it helped that as our brood grew to two children, our motivations for getting our act together doubled.)

Also, as we matured and our careers stabilized, we gained a better grasp of managing our finances as individuals and as a couple.

This is when we started to see a shift.

We began to communicate more openly about our financial aspirations, fears, and plans. Gradually, we moved from vastly opposing views on spending and saving our money to meeting in the middle. With this newfound alignment, there was this tangible sense of relief and freedom. It was like shedding an invisible weight that had held us down for far too long.

Cultivating a Brighter Life through Financial Freedom

With financial worries fading into the background, we saw some changes in our relationship as well. We began to appreciate each other’s perspectives, strengths, and even quirks. This newfound understanding brought a renewed sense of togetherness, as we faced life’s challenges hand in hand.

Bali Trip
Bay Area

But it wasn’t just about us as a couple. As individuals, we started investing more in ourselves – exploring passions, hobbies, and interests that had taken a backseat during the turbulent financial times. By pursuing career paths that aligned with our competencies and interests, we were also able to develop as professionals and experience pride in our work. We also learned to manage ourselves better, making wiser purchase decisions and putting more value on things that will benefit our family in the long-term, rather than just giving us a momentary taste of luxury. Ultimately, these personal shifts not only made us happier but also added new dimensions to our relationship.

I can definitely say that at this point, we are living significantly brighter lives.

First things first: The Financial Planning Pyramid

We all have our unique personal and financial journeys but there are some bits of wisdom that guide us, no matter our unique circumstances.

One of these is the Financial Planning Pyramid.

Sunlife Financial Planning Pyramid
From SunTalks Digital Media Edition “Achieving Your Own Brighter Life”

This tool serves as a road map, determining our current priorities as they pave the way towards our long-term financial objectives.

For instance, as Hubby and I worked our way towards financial liquidity – being able to cover our family’s daily needs, managing our debt and being secure of our ability to weather calamities ranging from bad weather to work disruptions – we are able to devote time and energy towards pursuits that greatly contribute to our family’s health and happiness, as well as those that protect and build wealth that improve our way of life, as well as transfer as our legacy to our kiddos.

This is just one of the many insights that I, together with fellow bloggers, learned during the recent Sun Talks Digital Media Edition “Achieving Your Own Brighter Life.”

Sunlife Achieving Your Own Brighter Life
During the SunTalks Digital Media Edition “Achieving Your Own Brighter Life” (I’m in one of the Zoom frames :-))

During the session, Sunlife Agency Strategy & Digital Transformation Head Jenny del Mundo and Sun Life Advisor Josh Jayzzer de Leon shared their personal experiences and smart tips on how everyone could achieve financial freedom to be able to achieve their own brighter lives.

Fundamental to all of these learnings, of course, is the need to manage money wisely to be able to grow it and live a life free from financial worries.

As I reflect on where Hubby and I were when we started and where we are now, the transformation is awe-inspiring. Our journey from financial stress to having a lot more financial freedom has taught us that money isn’t just currency; it’s the power to shape our lives, relationships, and happiness. The weight of worries has been replaced with the lightness of possibilities, and every day feels like a step towards a brighter future.

So, Dear Reader, should you ever find yourself bogged down by financial woes, remember that you hold the pen to your financial story. As you navigate the maze of financial choices, keep in mind that freedom from money worries is not just a destination; it’s a way of life, one that allows you to shine brighter than you ever thought possible.

Begin your journey towards financial freedom. Check out Sun Life’s life insurance products by consulting a Sun Life advisor or visiting its website.

Sun Life is a leading international financial services organization providing asset management, wealth, insurance and health solutions to individual and institutional Clients. Sun Life has operations in a number of markets worldwide, including Canada, the United States, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Hong Kong, the Philippines, Japan, Indonesia, India, China, Australia, Singapore, Vietnam, Malaysia and Bermuda. As of December 31, 2022, Sun Life had total assets under management of CAD 1.33 trillion. For more information, please visit

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Author: Gel Jose

Manic Pixie Dream Girl Wannabe, Imagineer, Foodie, TV Addict and Lifelong Learner

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