Why we moms should keep Getein PH testing kits in our bags

There’s no doubt that when the IATF declared Metro Manila under Alert Level 1, we moms were among those who breathed a huge sigh of relief.

At long last, after more than two years of living under strict community quarantine regulations, our families can now get some semblance of how we used to live prior to the arrival of the pandemic to our shores.

We started venturing out of our homes and exploring our world again: dining out, watching movies, visiting parks and going on staycations.

Hotel H2O
Hotel H2O
Sa Aming Munting Paraiso
Jennifer’s Abode, Tagaytay

These adventures added some fun, variety and excitement to our lives, especially for our kiddos who had been stuck at home for over two years.

But make no mistake, momshies, COVID-19 is still here and we should remain just as vigilant now as we were before. In fact, now is not the time to let go of our “mommy spidey senses,” in other words, our “pagka-praning!”

Getein PH
Getein PH
Getein PH
Getein PH

Aside from following the now golden rules of wearing facemasks, maintaining physical distancing, keeping our homes and belongings clean and sanitized, as well as meticulously washing our hands, we should also be able to quickly detect if anyone in our immediate circle has been infected.

This will help us to immediately organize our home to quarantine and care for the infected person while keeping the other household members safe from the virus.

Fortunately, a proven effective yet easy-to-use COVID-19 testing kit was approved by the Food and Drug Administration early this year, giving us moms a readily accessible and convenient way to detect COVID-19 infection.

Getein PH
Getein PH

The Getein SARS-Cov-2 Antigen Self-Test Kit contains the following:

  • SARS-COV-2 Antigen Test Card
  • Sterile Swab
  • Extraction Tube with Sample Extraction Solution and Tip
  • Bio Hazard Sample Bag
  • User Manual

Using it is so easy! Just follow the steps in the manual and you’ll get your results in fifteen minutes. You can even get a certificate by uploading your results through Getein’s mobile using a QR code.

I’m sure that I can trust that this testing kit is reliable as it has RITM validated results at 96.43% sensitivity and 100% specificity

Now that more people are going out or returning to their schools or offices, we moms can’t afford to be complacent when it comes to guarding our families against COVID-19.

Getein PH
Getein PH
Getein PH
Getein PH

What we can afford to do, however, is to stock up on Getein SARS-Cov-2 Antigen Self-Test Kits for our weekly antigen testing at home. At only Php298 per kit and available at leading drugstores, this self-test kit is an essential item that should always be within easy reach, whether in our medicine cabinets or in our purses.

We can still be praning but we won’t be as helpless as before, thanks to our new partner in early COVID-19 detection: Getein SARS-Cov-2 Antigen Self-Test Kits.

Know more about Getein PH on Facebook and Instagram.

Disclosure: Sample products were provided to facilitate this feature.