Julia Barretto named Tanduay’s 2024 Calendar Girl

While many brands follow a rigid set of criteria for selecting their calendar models, Tanduay takes a distinct approach. The renowned rum brand looks for women who embody strength, confidence, daring spirit, fearlessness, and a willingness to take risks while still finding time to revel in life’s celebrations. This year, Tanduay has chosen actress Julia Barretto to represent these qualities as the face of its 2024 calendar.

Julia Barretto: A Modern Woman of Substance

Julia Barretto, a prominent figure in the entertainment industry, perfectly aligns with Tanduay’s vision for its Calendar Girl. Described as a self-assured and level-headed modern woman, Julia brings a unique blend of confidence and hard work to the table. She understands her worth and diligently pursues her dreams, showcasing a seriousness in her undertakings while also embracing moments to unwind and enjoy life.

Behind the Scenes: Creating the 2024 Tanduay Calendar

The collaborative effort behind the scenes involves both Tanduay’s Creative Team and Julia Barretto’s style team. The synergy between these creative forces aims to capture Julia’s essence authentically for the 2024 calendar. Renowned editorial and commercial photographer BJ Pascual has been enlisted to showcase Julia’s ethereal beauty and convey her strength as a confident woman comfortable in her own skin.

Design and Styling: A Visual Feast

The 2024 Tanduay calendar promises to be a visual feast, with meticulous attention to design and styling. Tanduay’s collaboration with BJ Pascual suggests a focus on showcasing Julia’s beauty in a way that mirrors her strong and confident persona. Expect a harmonious blend of aesthetics that not only celebrates Julia but also resonates with Tanduay’s brand ethos.

The Tanduay-Julia Partnership: What’s in Store

As Tanduay gears up to celebrate its 170th anniversary in 2024, the partnership with Julia Barretto takes center stage. Julia is not just a Calendar Girl; she is set to be an integral part of Tanduay’s festivities throughout the year. From promotional events to materials, Julia will play a significant role in showcasing Tanduay’s evolution and its growing influence among rum aficionados globally.

A Year of Celebration and Empowerment

The collaboration between Tanduay and Julia Barretto signifies more than just a calendar shoot; it’s a celebration of strength, confidence, and empowerment. As Tanduay marks its 170th year, the brand reinforces its commitment to championing individuals who embody these qualities. Julia, with her unwavering spirit and multifaceted persona, stands as the perfect embodiment of Tanduay’s values and the epitome of a modern, empowered woman.

In the months to come, the 2024 Tanduay calendar will not only grace walls but serve as a testament to the brand’s dedication to celebrating life’s moments with boldness and authenticity. Get ready to witness a year of empowerment, captured in every page of the calendar, as Julia Barretto takes center stage in the world of Tanduay.

Details provided in a recent press release.