Recipe: Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes

Mashed potatoes are a great side dish, particularly to grilled meats such as Steaks, Roast Pork and Lamp Chops.

However, its preparation can require a lot of time and energy which we working moms don’t have quite a lot of, do we?

I came across a recipe for crock pot mashed potatoes on Pinterest and I decided to try it out.

I’m happy to discover that the slow cooker does take out the tedious part of making mashed potatoes: boiling the spuds in water and waiting for them to get soft enough to mash. With the slow cooker, you just dump the potatoes along with some broth and butter, then leave them for a few hours.

After adding cream and mik, you get smooth and creamy mashed potatoes.

This recipe is slightly tweaked from the recipe I found on Pinterest due to availability of ingredients.


  • 2 k potatoes, peeled and cut into 1 1/2 in pcs
  • 1 cup chicken broth
  • 3 cloves garlic, minced
  • 1/3 c butter, diced
  • Pinch of salt
  • 1/2 c milk
  • 1/3 c all purpose cream
  • Pepper to taste


  • Place potatoes, garlic, broth and butter into the slow cooker. Season with salt, mix together and cover with lid. Cook on HIGH setting for 4 hours or low setting for 8 hours until potatoes are soft.
  • Mash the potatoes and stir in milk and cream until well combined and creamy. Season with pepper.
  • Keep in the slow cooker on WARM until ready to serve.

Want to try this recipe today? There’s no need to leave home to shop for ingredients.  With Honestbee, just order your groceries online and you’ll get them delivered right at your doorstep at your preferred time. Use this referral link and get Php500 off for a minimum spend of Php2,500.  You can download the Honestbee app on iTunes or Google Play.

If you’re in the US and an Amazon Prime member, sign up for a free trial of Amazon Fresh to get your groceries delivered to you.

Recipe: Mini Blueberry Cheesecakes

Cheesecakes are a decadent pleasure. Rich, creamy and delightfully sinful, cheesecakes have been around probably for as long as the phrase “the land of milk and honey” have been in use.

For my DIY desserts, I gravitated towards mini cheesecakes since baking time is shorter and there is less chance for uneven cooking of the filling.

Here is a tried-and-tested recipe of Mini Blueberry Cheesecake that I prepared for my family last New Year.


For the crust:

  • 2 cups crushed graham crackers
  • 1 stick of butter, melted
  • 3 tbsp white sugar

For the filling:

  • 2 225g bars of Magnolia Cream Cheese at room temperature
  • 1 cup white sugar
  • 2 large eggs
  • 1 cup all purpose cream
  • 2 tsp vanilla extract
  • 1/2 tsp fine salt
  • 1 595g blueberry filling


  • Pre-heat oven to 175-deg C and line muffin pans with paper cups

To make the crust:

  • In a bowl, combine graham cracker crumbs, sugar and melted butter.
  • Press 1/2 tbsp of the crumb mixture onto the bottom of the muffin cups. Set aside.

To make the filling:

  • Beat cream cheese at lowest setting until smooth and fluffy.
  • Gradually add sugar and salt while beating.
  • Add eggs one at a time until incorporated then add vanilla extract and cream. Mix well.
  • Allow cheesecake batter to rest for 10 minutes to remove air bubbles formed during the mixing process.
  • Scoop cheesecake batter into prepared crust and bake for 20-25 minutes or until sides are firm but center is slightly jiggly.
  • Remove cheesecakes from the oven, let them cool then refrigerate overnight.
  • Serve with chilled blueberry filling.

Note: You can replace the blueberry filling with red cherry filling.

Want to try this recipe today? There’s no need to leave home to shop for ingredients.  With Honestbee, just order your groceries online and you’ll get them delivered right at your doorstep at your preferred time. Use this referral link and get Php500 off for a minimum spend of Php2,500.  You can download the Honestbee app on iTunes or Google Play.

If you’re in the US and an Amazon Prime member, sign up for a free trial of Amazon Fresh to get your groceries delivered to you.

Recipe: Frozen Mocha Cheesecake

My mom discovered the recipe for Frozen Mocha Cheesecake several decades ago and it has become a family favorite. We whip it up every year, particularly during special occasions and clan get-togethers. I decided to make it in time for our New Year’s Eve celebration tonight.

The original recipe is closer to this, but over the years, we have changed some ingredients depending on what is easily available or cheaper to buy.


For the crust:

  • 30 pcs Hi-Ro chocolate biscuits, crushed (remove white filling prior to pounding with mortar and pestle) (Note: You can buy pre-crushed chocolate biscuits in some baking supply stores but these are usually available per kilo.)
  • 1 100g stick Dari Creme butter, softened
  • 2 tbsp white sugar

For the filling:

  • 2 225g packs Magnolia Cream Cheese, softened
  • 1 300ml can Alaska sweetened condensed milk
  • 2/3 cup Clara Ole chocolate syrup
  • 1 tbsp Blend 45 instant coffee dissolved in 1 tsp hot water
  • 1 250ml Alaska Crema All Purpose Cream (you can use whipping cream as a more indulgent – or expensive – alternative)


  • Combine all crust ingredients and press into the bottom of a 9-in spring form pan. Set aside.
  • In a large bowl, beat cream cheese until smooth. Add in condensed milk, chocolate syrup and dissolved coffee.
  • In another bowl, whip all purpose cream until fluffy. Fold into the cream cheese mixture until evenly distributed.
  • Pour the mixture into the crust. Sprinkle some crushed chocolate biscuits on top as garnish.
  • Put into the freezer for 6 hours until set.


Want to try this recipe today? There’s no need to leave home to shop for ingredients.  With Honestbee, just order your groceries online and you’ll get them delivered right at your doorstep at your preferred time. Use this referral link and get Php500 off for a minimum spend of Php2,500.  You can download the Honestbee app on iTunes or Google Play.

If you’re in the US and an Amazon Prime member, sign up for a free trial of Amazon Fresh to get your groceries delivered to you.

DIY Gift: Hot Chocolate on a Stick

Every holiday season brings the same struggle: what to give to all of the family’s relatives, friends and co-workers for Christmas that will be unique, can be useful to or enjoyed by the recipient, and won’t go over the family’s gift budget?

Last year, we gave out over 100 bags of Chocolate Chip Cookies which my daughter and I baked and packed as our gifts. Thankfully, I know a baking supplies store nearby so I was able to save considerably on ingredients.

This year, while surfing through Pinterest, I discovered a new gift idea: Hot Chocolate on a Stick!

The recipe below is further simplified from the one I found on Pinterest, but still quite yummy! Best of all, ingredients and tools are easy and cheap to come by, thanks the nearby baking supplies store.


  • 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
  • 1/4 tsp peppermint oit
  • 15 large marshmallows
  • additional milk chocolate chips and candy sprinkles as garnish

You will also need:

  • Coffee stirrers or plastic straws to serve as sticks
  • Individual plastic wrappers
  • Gift ribbons
  • Gift labels


  • Melt the semi-sweet chocolate chips in the microwave. (Medium high power for 30 secs and High power for 15 secs; resulting melted chocolate should be thick and have a nice sheen)
  • Mix in the the peppermint oil.
  • Pour the mixture into 2 tbsp chocolate molds (I used a small ice cream scoop to measure out and pour the mixture into small puto molds)
  • Spear each marshmallow with a plastic straw then placed it in the middle of each mold
  • Place in the refrigerator for 5 hours or until set.

I wrapped these with individual food-grade plastic wrappers decorated with red satin ribbons. I included a tbsp of milk chocolate chips and 1/8tbsp of candy sprinkles per package as garnishes. The label should indicate that the hot chocolate on a stick should be stirred into a cup of hot milk until the chocolate is melted.

This recipe yields 15 sticks.

Why you should watch Outlander

Historical romance received some flak a few years back, with the genre often dubbed as “bodice-rippers” by some of its critics. However, the genre has produced several notable oeuvres, one of which is Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander which has been adapted into a TV series by Starz starring Catriona Balfe and Sam Heughan.

Outlander begins in 1945, when Claire Beauchamp Randall, a British World War II nurse, is on a second honeymoon with her husband Frank in Scotland to reconnect with each other after being separated by the war. While exploring the mystical standing stones in Inverness, she is taken back to 1743 where she meets her husband’s dastardly ancestor Black Jack Randall, the series’ main villain, and the dashing Jamie Fraser, the young heir to the Scottish estate Lallybroch who is in hiding among his MacKenzie relatives following some misadventures involving the British forces occupying Scotland at the time. Circumstances forced Claire and Jamie to marry each other (despite Claire’s prior marriage to Frank in the 20th century), and the two found themselves falling in love amidst the challenges brought about by witchcraft accusations against Claire, Black Jack’s wicked intrusions in their lives and the upcoming Jacobite rebellion.

Outlander is a highly complex and engaging show which deserves your binge-watching hours due to the following reasons:

  • A complicated love story. Claire and Jamie come from very different time periods which shaped their very different points of view. Things are further complicated by Claire’s conflicted feelings for Frank whose existence she must protect by ensuring that his ancestor Black Jack Randall does not meet his demise until he has already fathered a child.
  • A strong and smart female lead. Claire uses her wits, her knowledge of history and her medical background to navigate and survive 18th century Scotland. She is outspoken (sometimes to her detriment) but she stands by her principles and has an overwhelming drive to help others.
  • A hunky and “woke” male lead. Jamie Fraser is a product of his time, with a strong inclination to protect his loved ones, particularly the women in his life. He even took a flogging to protect his sister from rape. However, as he gets to know Claire, he grows to appreciate her independent nature and even believes her when she confesses her time traveling.
  • Sex scenes that are hot but not lascivious. Outlander’s sex scenes are often said to be made for the female gaze as opposed to the male’s. The camera lingers on Jamie’s physique as it does on Claire and the on-screen love-making are in turns hot, tender and funny.
  • Writing that does not shy away from and builds on the shock value. Black Jack Randall is among the darkest characters on TV and his dealings with Jamie, particularly in the episode “To Ransom a Man’s Soul,” is riveting yet almost painful to watch.

Outlander episodes are available on Amazon Prime.  Not yet on Amazon Prime? Start your 30-day free trial today!

Check out my blog posts about other TV shows: